Wayne Fischer tahoewayne at
Sat Aug 2 13:18:33 PDT 2008


ALERT: #178
DATE: August 2, 2008
TO: Incline Village & Crystal Bay Property Owners
FROM: Village League Tax Revolt Committee

Dear Incline Village & Crystal Bay Property Tax Protesters,

The Bonanza as usual did a great job writing about our property tax revolt issues last Sunday.  In the middle of the article about our incredible second Nevada Supreme Court victory, the Washoe County District Attorney, Dick Gammick, is quoted, “ … it just all seems to be a big game.”

My blood came to an instant boil as it did for all the Village League Board members, who have worked thousands of hours fighting against unconstitutional property taxation.  Fellow board member, Chuck Otto, wrote an excellent response in Friday’s Bonanza newspaper to the Gammick comment.  See below for the Letter to the Editor.


A second letter to the editor in Friday’s Bonanza was a thank you to Maryanne Ingemanson for her efforts in fighting for fair and equitable property taxes on behalf of everyone in the Incline Village/Crystal Bay area.  I have included it, following the letter by Chuck Otto, in this Alert.


For the benefit of people who have recently joined our property tax revolt efforts and others who are researching what we have done in the last six years, I have archived every Alert that has been sent to our group email list.  Note that the first Alert was emailed on December 23, 2002!!

Since 2002, I have also archived hundreds of newspaper articles covering the Village League’s battle to win fair and equal taxation. 

Both of these archives can be accessed on our tax revolt website,

Enjoy reading!

Best Regards,
Wayne Fischer, Webmaster
Nevada Property Tax Revolt Web


North Lake Tahoe Bonanza - Letters to the Editor
August 1, 2006, page 6A

Gammick’s ‘Game-ick’
I was delighted to read of the Nevada Supreme Court’s ruling in last Sunday’s Bonanza that concluded that the Washoe County Assessor’s methods of assessment were illegal and unconstitutional.

However, I was appalled at Washoe County District Attorney Dick Gammick's comments that the whole situation was a “game.”

The Village League to Save Incline Assets, through donations from Incline Village/Crystal Bay taxpayers, has spent close to a million dollars in legal fees to play in his so-called “game.” Some would choose not to call this a “game,” but rather a “circus,” a “fraud” or a “farce.”

Mr. Gammick and his office along with the defendants in this case (the assessor’s office, Washoe County, the Nevada Department of Taxation and the Nevada Tax Commission) have done everything in their power to attempt to frustrate our efforts, prolong the process, dodge the inevitable bullet and cover their tails.

How many times does the Supreme Court have to tell these bureaucrats and legal beagles that the assessment methods used up here are illegal and unconstitutional leading to unfair and unequal treatment?

There are two more cases pending for different tax years. Since these suits are similar to the two cases already decided, the outcome seems predictable. But, do you think the county is ready to yield and settle these matters?

No, my guess is they will find other ways to bob-and-weave, appeal on baseless grounds, and try to prolong the agony.

The next cases involve all taxpayers in Incline and Crystal Bay!

And, to think that we, the taxpayers, fund the salaries of these folks, galls me to no end.

We pay them to fight us and we have to raise funds to fight them! Incredible!
It is apparent from the article that Mr. Gammick has a new Gimmick (Gammick’s Gimmick Game!). He’s pointing the finger at the state for failure to provide proper direction to the county.

He’s playing the game of “Blame the State.” Knowing that the county is losing, he’s hoping to get the state to foot the bill and refund the monies illegally gained by the county (plus interest).

This would set up another legal contest between the county and state, use our taxpayer dollars to fund the fight, and keep the game going.

Gammick says that “if the court comes back three, four, five years later and rules on tax assessments, to litigate them, we have to follow the order.”

Well, sir, how do you think we taxpayers feel being jerked around for three, four or five years — we have had to deal with the county’s gerrymandering the county Board of Equalization for the purpose of thwarting our appeals, a State Board of Equalization that is arrogant, condescending and has no clue what “equalization” means, and an Assessor’s Office which has a culture of arrogance and maintains a posture of “we know better than anyone else so we’ll do it our way.” Blame the state? Partially! Blame yourselves? Absolutely!

The county got the illegally gained money. I say return it to all of the property owners with interest.

That goes for the two cases already decided plus those pending — same issues, same consequence.

It’s time to face reality — the game is over.

The players on our side are energized, confident and have a firm legal basis. It’s time for your side to throw in the towel! Point, set, match!

Chuck Otto
Incline Village 

Thank you to Ingemanson
Your tireless efforts have finally paid off! You deserve more accolades than one person can give. I hope that you hear from each and every person who believed in the fight that you have marshaled.

You are an inspiration to those of us who believe that government must be constrained and limited. Thank you for all that you have done and I truly hope that you celebrate the Nevada Supreme Court decision with gusto! Cheers!

Al and Carla Priester
Incline Village

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